Monday, June 30, 2008

Celebrate Life!

What an emotional weekend this past one turned out to be.
And in the midst of it all, I celebrated my life!

A heartbreaking loss for Daniel's baseball team yesterday.
Parents who loved and encouraged their children no matter what the outcome.
Coaches who cursed at their charges!
Sitting in the hot sun, talking to and laughing with other baseball parents.
Hearing of a dear friend's daughter not being allowed to play in her softball game.
Having Itiel and her two daughters over for lunch on Friday.
Joyful long-distance celebration of Lisa's birthday; thought about and prayed for her all day long.
Our 17 year wedding anniversary!

Sipping mugs of my favorite tea: earl gray and lapsang souchang.
Eating well: taking huge, crunchy salads to the baseball games.
Drinking lots of ice water and the occasional glass of wine.
Journaling and collage making all weekend long - even while away from home.
Writing love notes to myself. Telling myself all the sweet nothings I long to hear.
Happy anniversary to me!

I am learning the following profound lesson in unexpected ways of late:
Drinking deeply of life's bountiful blessings has a way of
being reflected in my emotional, relational, physical,
and spiritual health. Life isn't easy these days, but I am so well.
So very well. I am grateful. Deeply grateful.

Painting my toenails.
Burning a Jen Lemen candle and Itiel's incense.
Using fragrant oils, soaps, and creams daily.
A brand new t-shirt, a fabulous denim skirt, and my favorite jewelry...
even my son commented on my ensemble.
Snuggling with my dog.
Creating art with my daughter.
Missing church and watching my son play baseball instead.

It's all small stuff that adds up to an enormously happy day and fulfilling weekend - and life.
If not me, who?
If not now, when?

Anybody wanna dance?


Anonymous said...

Great post! I'm smiling inside and out for you :-)
Your words:
Drinking deeply of life's bountiful blessings has a way of
being reflected in my emotional, relational, physical,
and spiritual health. Life isn't easy these days, but I am so well.
So very well. I am grateful. Deeply grateful.

*so* wonderful and true. I'm glad we're "getting" this at the same time together.

Amy said...

Gratitude in all things goes a long way, dear friend. I took such comfort in this post. You are amazing, and I say we must meet in the coming year.

Congrats to you and Steve on 17 years of marriage!

Itiel said...

It was our pleasure, and we had such a lovely time in your home.

Congratulations on 17 years of marriage!
