Sunday, November 25, 2012

A new phrase for you to learn...

I began by rewriting the c-word as "kanser."
I quickly began to misspell it and write, "kanswer." I wondered why I kept doing that...

Right around the time that I noticed how often I misspelled my new spelling, a dear, dear, dearly beloved friend wrote to me and told that she was writing it that way as well. (What a cool thing for us both to be doing it, eight hours away from each other! What a super-dee-duper connection, I think!) Because she believes that this kanswer is gonna pose and then answer some big questions in my life. She's already right about that.

So I'm gonna use both spellings, "kanser" and "kanswer."

This week, I made another terminology change.
It's not "chemotherapy."
It's "healing therapy."

I welcome this healing therapy. I welcome the healing it will bring.
I welcome anything and everything that will rid my body of this most unwelcome invader.
It's time to let the healing begin.
Let the healing begin.

The healing therapy begins tomorrow morning, Monday, November 26th, at 11:30 am, EST.
Four hours of infusion.
Four hours of healing.
Then three weeks later, I will go back for three more hours of healing therapy.
The first session is the longest.

Every Monday for the next 18 weeks of healing therapy, I go in for a separate drug therapy that fights the specific kind of kanswer I have, but it's not truly chemo. I will continue with that drug for an entire year.

Once all six healing therapy sessions are behind me, then the other drug therapy will move to once every three weeks.
Does that make sense???

Don't worry if it's confusing.
This entire thing is blowing my mind too!

But here we go: Let the healing begin, my dear reader.
Let the healing begin.


I need to say it again: thank you, thank you, thank you.
Dozens of times every day, those two words roll through my mind.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I read your emails, your private messages, your text messages.
I am absorbed by your "distractions," and love every single one.
Your stories, your encouragement, your comments sustain me.
I know that I will not be able to respond to them all.
But somehow I suspect that you will understand and forgive my silent days.
Thank you in advance for your patience and compassion towards me.

Over these past couple of days, I've been pulling the gates closed,
checking the doors and windows, and preparing to ride out Superstorm Kanswer.
I wish I could pack a bag or two, winterize the house, head to the airport,
evacuate the premises for a year or so, and avoid the whole thing altogether,
but alas and alack, I cannot.

Therefore, it's time to let the healing begin.
Let the healing begin.

So again - thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'll be back soon with a report on My First Healing Therapy Session.

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