Saturday, November 26, 2011

I know this feeling...

"Think about what it is like to feel love in your heart. Think about what it is like to feel inspiration and enthusiasm pour from your heart. Think about what it is like to feel energy well up in your heart making you confident and strong."    (The Untethered Soul, page 50)

Yesterday, Kristiana and I went out for a 2 hour and ten minute walk - 65 minutes each way to a supermarket I love. They sell bulk spices in small packets, and I wanted some ground cloves. So we set out on an adventure. Ipods in high gear - can you see the wires hanging from our ears? I had my camera in hand. I was grateful for her endless patience with me as I stopped too often to take too many photos.

But as we walked, as I sang out loud, as I took nearly 100 photos, I had that feeling: I felt my heart swelling with joy and love, enthusiasm and inspiration oozing into every pore of my body. It was a gloriously gorgeous day - and I was thrilled that we were outside experiencing it together. It was an afternoon of honoring how glad I am to be alive. Launa said it so well: "We are so alive right now, and we will not always be."

There were no ground cloves at the market. They had sold out. I laughed. I realized that it didn't matter. The joy of that walk, the fresh air in our lungs, the music in our ears, the time with my daughter - those were what I was really looking for. I found them. I was happy... yes, I know this feeling. All too well.

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