Thursday, January 06, 2011

First (and last and a part of every) lesson of the year

I am enough when I am joyful, grateful, and peaceful. 
I am enough when I'm a disorganized homeschooling mother, 
disinterested cook, and discontented consumer. 

I am enough when I am exercising, praying, and keeping an insightful journal. 
I am enough when I am forgetful, frightful, 
and incapable of coming up with another word that fits the syllable or sound pattern.

 I am enough. My husband is enough. My children are enough. 
You are enough. 
As you are, as I am, as we are - right now. 

With all our faults and failures, moles and wrinkles,
with our vulnerabilities and inadequacies and breakdowns,
with all our bad habits, secrets, brokenness, and wretchedness,
with all of that, in spite of all of that, because of all of that,
we are loved, invited, welcomed, accepted.
That's good news.

All images are from the current issue of Artful Blogging. Go buy one. It's a beautiful gift you will be giving yourself. 

(Andrea Scher writes tenderly and honestly about the issue of being enough here -
and about the willingness to be vulnerable in this lonely and demanding life we live here
She also happens to be featured in the article that these photos came from.)

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