I continue to be awed by the writing of my online soul sisters.
Jena Strong is the one who has touched me most deeply today with her thoughts on Yom Kippur, atonement, missing the mark, awe, and celebrating the simplest things in life.
Thank you, Jena, for this reminder.
To pull back and walk away from the chaos and busyness of life.
To embrace those who are in our inner faith and life circle.
To sit quietly and ponder the beauty and beautiful people around us.
To blow the shofar, the trumpet, to sound the call to return, to ponder, to pray, and to be made whole again.
To listen to the reverberations across the waters of our lives.
To forego the predictable answers to the ancient questions and dig deeper.
To sometimes deny ourselves physical food in order to feed our famished souls.
To sometimes unplug from the world in order to reconnect with myself, my loved ones, and, most importantly, The Spirit.
Isaiah 30:15 tells us:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength."
I think I will retreat to my study, stare at and hold in my hands some of the many reminders of peaceful, rejuvenating moments gone by,
quiet my anxious heart,
sit for a few moments of quiet prayer,
and rest.
And now, it is my turn to thank you, Gail. For holding up the mirror to what I so quickly forget. It's an honor to be connected.
I always am refreshed by your spirit.
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