Saturday, February 20, 2016

Standing in the need of prayer

One of the most heart-wrenching and life-giving stories in the Bible is found in John 11 - the story of Lazarus. He was the brother of Mary and Martha, and a friend of Jesus.

 One day, Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus: "The one you love is sick."

The thing is - the author of that Gospel, John, often referred to himself as "the one Jesus loved," as "the disciple Jesus loved." So it's interesting that he would include this story - this account of Lazarus being described as the one Jesus loved. It's telling. He knew, he understood that Jesus loves so many. In fact, one of the most often quoted Bible verses appears in this Gospel. That verse begins this way: For God so loved the world... God didn't just love John or Lazarus or Eve or Sarai. God loved and loves the world.

The story is heart-wrenching because anytime someone suffers, someone else's heart is breaking. But it is life-giving because the Scriptures tell us that Lazarus died - but Jesus showed up four days later and raised him from the tomb. Crazy story, I know, but if it's true, then everything changes. If Jesus really had enough power to raise Lazarus from his grave, his tomb, then there is always hope for healing, wholeness, and resolution to whatever ails us.

Tonight, I am Mary. Tonight, I am Martha.
I am praying fervently tonight - because the one Jesus loves, one of the ones I love, is sick.
Not sick unto death, like Lazarus. But sick, nonetheless.

Even if I don't give any details, will you pray for this precious child,
this one that Jesus loves?
Will you add your prayers to mine?


All shall be well.
I believe that. I know that.
But in the meantime, we wait.
In the meantime, we mourn.
In the meantime, we plead for mercy.

Kyrie Eleison.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.


Linda K said...

I will pray for your friend. For healing and wholeness and peace and joy. For grace and mercy, abundantly given. I will pray that the brightest of light will swallow up the darkness so that there's no more space for the darkness to fill. And I will pray for strength for those who love this loved one, for courage to continue believing when all else says to doubt. And, I will ask of you and others reading this blog and comment to pray for my beloved son, Kirk, with whom I am well pleased, for all of this for his struggling life too. And for me, his desperate mother.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for mercy for you and the one you love, for Linda and for Kirk.

GailNHB said...

Thank you, Linda, for your prayers, and for your prayer request. There isn't much pain and grief that is worse for a parent than to watch a child suffering. We do become desperate for their healing and wholeness, don't we? I will life you and your beloved Kirk in prayer.

Thank you too, Chainthree, for your prayers and support. There isn't much that is better than knowing that you are being thought of, loved, remembered, and prayed for.

Peace be with you both. And with all those that you love.