Saturday, July 23, 2011

Called into the silence

Asking questions.
Listening for answers.

Being still.
Being quiet.

Long walks.
Staring up into the trees.

Pens, markers, stickers, ephemera.
Empty journal pages.

Eight days.
Spirit. Peace. Truth.

I leave tomorrow morning for a week of silence.
I'll be back sometime during the first week of August.


Lori Duncan said...

Hey Gail, enjoy your week of silence. May you be inspired, contemplative, encouraged, by God during this time. May you see things in a new light. May you grow in HIs grace and love. I hope this will enlighten you and cause you to grow in many ways. Here is to SILENCE! Blessings Lori
Better you than me! LOL (Lori being silent for more than 1 hour would be a miracle. Let me know how it goes.

Tricia said...

Don't know if I could do a silent retreat, but certainly look forward to hearing about yours. Love Blowing Rock and I am a fellow geek gawking at all the back-to-school goodies.