Friday, March 26, 2010

Hope for today - not tomorrow...

Here's a quote from Sue Monk Kidd's book entitled, When the Heart Waits. It is on page 142 -

"In the desert, the Israelites became beggars in the best sense of the word, opening their hands and trusting. And what happened? God sent manna. Not a forty-year supply to stockpile, but enough for one day. They had to hope and trust for tomorrow's, but it always came.

It made me think how true that principle of daily trust is in the experience of waiting. God sends us the strength and nourishment to heal, create, and become, not all at once but as we need it. Hope is the act of opening our palms day after day, trusting that we'll receive what we need."

That's the kind of trust and hope I'm after these days. The kind that has my hands and heart and eyes and soul wide open to receive all that I am meant to have for this day, for this hour. Not enough to stockpile for the next 40 years, not for 40 days, not even for tomorrow. For this moment, right here, right now. Light for this step of my path.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have that book (of course I do. That's how we roll). It's amazing. So are you! xoxo!!!