Wednesday, June 02, 2010

What I am not... what we are not...

I am not a great or enthusiastic cook.
I am not eager to get out of bed every morning.
I am not always excited to homeschool or go to church or even be a mother.
I am not a particularly inspired or inspiring homeschool teacher.
I am not always patient with myself or my family.
I am not a vegetarian.

I am not afraid of much of anything at all.
I am not ashamed to ask for help... most of the time.
I am not hesitant to declare a day off from school or cooking or cleaning.
I am not reluctant to stop everything and drop to my knees in tears, laughter, or prayer.
I am not too proud to beg... for a hug, a kiss, or a piece of chocolate.

We are not always happy to be together as a foursome.
We don't always speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
We don't ask for or extend forgiveness quickly or easily.
We do not listen to each other particularly well sometimes.
We do not always speak well of each other.
We don't always tell each other the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

We do not always choose organic and healthy things to eat or drink.
We are not eager to share our food with each other.
We do not ask if anyone else wants the last cookie, apple, piece of pie, etc.
We don't always pray and give thanks before every meal.
We do not always put our cell phones or blackberries away when we eat.
We do not always eat in the same room.

We do not always go to church - or even want to go to church.
We are not always fair when we disagree or argue.
We do not always treat each other with kindness and gentleness.
We do not always say good-night to each other before we go to bed.
We are not especially physically affectionate towards each other.
We do not always prefer each other's company.

We would not choose anyone else to live with or have as our family.
I am not ashamed to say that I love them.

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