Friday, October 02, 2020

Would you do me a favor?


Please vote.

And don't just vote for yourself.

If you are white, have someplace to live, food in the fridge and pantry, a car, some money in the bank, a college education, and a job - then you are likely to be okay no matter who wins the election.  

But if you are Black, indigenous, or another person of color,
if you are gay, lesbian, queer, trans, bisexual, or non binary, 
if you are an immigrant,
if you are unemployed,
if you are female,
if you have any pre-existing medical condition,
if you have any chronic medical challenges,
if you are enrolled in the Affordable Care Act,
if you are poor,
if you do not have a college degree,
if you have significant medical, educational, or any other kind of debt,
if you love, know, or are related to anyone in any of these aforementioned groups,
then the person who occupies the White House as of next January matters.

Actually, no matter who you are, no matter how you identify, no matter what advantages or privileges you may or may not enjoy, the person who will live in the White House after January 2021 matters. 

So I ask you again - vote. Please.  

When you cast your vote, think about the millions of people in this country who will be affected by the outcome of the election. Vote for them. 

Actually, don't vote for "them."
Because the truth is that there is no "them."
There is only us. 

Only us, people. 
Only all of us.

Vote for "us."
The more than three hundred and twenty million people in this country - we will all be affected by the outcome of this election. 
Every single one of us.

Please vote for all of us because no one escapes the ramifications and repercussions of injustice, racism, xenophobia, fear mongering, inequity, hate, and state-sanctioned violence. No one. 

Vote. Vote for us.